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What To Expect Your First Visit

What To Expect Your First Visit

The moment you come into our office, you will be greeted by chiropractic assistants that ‘care’. They care about everyone’s well-being and do their best to help. They are always available to answer any questions or queries so that nothing stands in the way of you getting the most benefit from the care received in our office.

You will be given paperwork that takes, on average, approximately 15 minutes to complete. This covers all aspects of your current health status so that we can create a more complete picture of what is going on.

Dr. Dadoun will then sit with you and in detail complete a thorough consultation. Afterward, a Myovision spinal scan is done – this helps to evaluate spinal and muscle imbalances that need to be addressed. A comprehensive spinal, joint, and extremity examination is then performed – this will help complete the entire picture.

Throughout the first visit all aspects of chiropractic, the technique we use, and how it works, are explained. Total time in our office, which in most cases includes a treatment, is approximately one hour.

Our goal in this visit is to make you feel comfortable and confident in our expertise. We will of course tell you if we cannot help you and who we can refer you to.

Your Second Visit

The second visit is approximately 30 minutes in length. You will sit down with Dr. Dadoun and have a complete explanation as to what is the cause of your problem, how we can help you, the length of time, and the number of visits expected.

Dr. Dadoun will outline the different phases of care and provide his recommendations. These recommendations are based completely on your goals. What you would like for the short term and long term, which was discussed earlier. There is never any pressure placed on our patients. The patient always decides the phases of care they would like to have.

Regular Treatment Visits

We create a special atmosphere in the office that is conducive to optimal healing both physically and mentally. The treatments are never rushed. Each treatment takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. There is soothing, relaxing music and we use hydro collator moist hot packs to help the muscles and the individual relax. Using the impulse instrument, Dr. Dadoun makes the necessary gentle corrections to the spinal bones, pelvis, and extremities as indicated, in order to stimulate the nerve healing process and restore proper biomechanical and neuromuscular balances.

After your treatment, help yourself to a complimentary bottle of water and an assortment of necessary vitamins that your body needs – that you may have missed taking earlier in the day.

The treatment is not just a treatment but an experience.

For more information about our specialized Chiropractic treatments services, Contact us today through our contact form or give us a call at +1 416 239 6755